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Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Quest
Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Mod The UESPWiki Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Jump to: navigation, search
I sneak around to get a few items avoiding to be spotted by the warlock and then carefully exit the cave to start with nothing but the meager loot, monk robes, a dagger and a 22 mana resist ring. Then I finally make it to Shor Stone, take care of the spiders in the mine with just a fire spell/pickaxe and with that reward smith some decent.
Take the one in between, it leads you to a cave, get in. This is the cave from the vanilla start, there's a dude where there used to be a bear, talk to him. At this point you can either give Hadvar a healing potion or get out of the cave alone, I gave him a potion and headed out with him.
Once outside the palace, you will find Tysvald weeping over Daiske's body at the junction of the main road through Solitude and the side path to left. When you talk to him, Tysvald will describe the assassin as, 'He wore an eye patch, but his face was bestial.Pale as snow.' And heading towards the Hall of the Dead after he tore into Daiske like a dog with a bone.
2 Detailed Walkthrough In light of a tragedy, hunt down the creature responsible. Zone: Western Skyrim
This quest is part of the Zone Story Quest Giver: Lyris Titanborn Location(s): Solitude, Blue Palace, Western Skyrim, Chillwind Depths, Dusktown, Kagnthamz Prerequisite Quest: The Gathering Storm Next Quest: Danger in the Holds Reward: Surcoat of Solitude
Very High Leveled Gold
1 Skill Point XP Gain: Very High XP ID: 6476 Your enemies weren't happy with your actions at Kilkreath Temple The Icereach Coven and its allies can call down devastating and unnatural harrowstorms on Western Skyrim. Fennorian thinks these storms can turn people into harrowfiends and mindless harrowed. We need to inform Solitude. Quick Walkthrough [ edit ]
Return to the Blue Palace and report to Queen Gerhyld.
Speak with Lyris Titanborn and search the surrounding area.
Have audience with High King Svargrim.
Speak with Svana.
Look for witnesses in Solitude.
Find Fennorian at Old Mjolen's camp west of Morthal.
Collect reagents for Old Mjolen's divination ritual.
Find nearby hunter's camp.
Go to Chillwind Depths and search for assassin.
Examine the documents in the hideout and talk to Fennorian.
Go to Silversnow Mine and explore it with Lyris and Fennorian.
Investigate the mining town.
Destroy Witch Pikes surrounding town.
Enter Kagnthamz and track down the assassin and witch.
Kill Pentarch Khorb.
Search for Sister Tharda.
Witness the summoning ritual and kill the Coven witch.
Chase the exarchs who escaped.
Return to the Lonely Troll in Solitude and report to Svana. Detailed Walkthrough [ edit ] Returning to the Blue Palace [ edit ]
After investigating the aftermath of Kilkreath Temple and confirming the presence of the involvement of the Icereach Coven, you can talk with Lyris Titanborn about what to do next. She can either be spoken with at the altar or back in Solitude, either way she'll want to return to the Blue Palace and report your findings to the queen. 'Queen Gerhyld needs to hear what we discovered at Kilkreath Temple. Hopefully, that will be enough for her to get us an audience with High King Svargrim.' Before you leave, you can discuss Fennorian's theory about the harrowfiends and the role of clever women in Nord society.
When you arrive at the Blue Palace Courtyard with Lyris, your first sign that something has happened is when a woman runs screaming out of the palace doors. Bekeigr : 'Help! Assassins in the palace! Help!' Lyris Titanborn : 'That's one of the queen's attendants! Let's get inside!' Lyris runs ahead of you and enters the palace.
Once inside the palace, you'll realize that there is a horrifying scene to the left of the entrance. Queen Gerhyld lies on the floor dying, as both the High King and Lyris can only stand by as she speaks to her distraught daughter. Queen Gerhyld : 'Be strong, Svana.' Svana : 'Mother! No, no .' Queen Gerhyld : 'Svana your father the kingdom watch over them .' Queen Gerhyld dies. Svana : 'Motherno! You can't die! Mother?' Swordthane Uthlet : 'Sire, the assassins might return. You must get somewhere safe!' Svargrim is seething when he addresses Lyris. High King Svargrim : 'Have Jorunn's lackeys come to gloat?' Lyris Titanborn : 'We came here to warn you, your highness.' High King Svargrim : 'And yet my wife lies dead!' Lyris Titanborn : 'If you had listened to us .' High King Svargrim : 'Like she did? If I determine Jorunn had a hand in this, there will be war! Someone take care of my wife!' Svana : 'Father, please!' Svargrim is then lead out through a side door by Swordthane Uthlet. Search for clues
After this, you can talk with Lyris. She'll speculate on a possible connection to the coven and how an assassin managed to get into the palace, before asking you to investigate the room while she guards the princess. A window near the Queen has a small hole in the corner and the glass shards below it shows that it was recently broken. When you examine it closer, you'll find an Icereach Coven Medallion which fell off when the assassin escaped.
Bring the medallion to Lyris who can be found standing in front of the main stairs. She'll decide it's time to speak with High King Svargrim and make him confront some harsh truths. Once Lyris is outside Svargrim's chamber, she will talk with Swordthane Uthlet: Lyris Titanborn : 'We need to see the high king.' Swordthane Uthlet 'I should think not! The high king is in mourning. He's not to be disturbed.' Lyris Titanborn : 'The queen's wasn't the only life lost today. Now get out of our way.' Lyris glares at him, Uthlet steps to the side. Swordthane Uthlet 'I er go right in.' An audience with High King Svargrim
When you enter the room, Svargrim will be in no mood to talk. Lyris Titanborn : 'Your highness, please. Your kingdom is in grave danger.' High King Svargrim : 'My queen's blood hasn't yet cooled and already Jorunn's lackeys hound me!' Lyris Titanborn : 'We have proof that the coven threatening your kingdom is responsible for the queen's death. Show him, partner.'
This is your first meeting with High King Svargrim, who will already see you as a lackey of Jorunn. It will not matter that you were working on behalf of Queen Gerhyld, your report about Kilkreath Temple and warnings about Icereach Coven will be seen as a campfire story at best and sedition at worse. 'Tales told around campfires to scare the children! Storms happen here all the time, and none of them spawn monsters. The last spy who spoke of such things well, he no longer speaks of such things.' After this warning and threat, Svargrim will then hint that he better not find evidence linking the Queen's murder to you before you are dismissed.
With this disappointing result, you and Lyris are forced to leave empty-handed: Lyris Titanborn : 'We'll leave you to your grief, your highness.'
Once you have left the chamber, you will be approached by Svana who has questions of her own: Svana : 'Is it true? Mother told me you were working for her before she .' Lyris Titanborn : 'I I'm sorry, Svana. I would have saved her if I could.'
Talking with Svana, you can confirm that you were gathering evidence about a threat to Western Skyrim and that the Queen was likely killed because of it. After hearing about her father's lackluster response, Svana vows to help you, 'Well, I won't let my mother's death be for nothing. She trusted you and so will I, my father be damned. Please. Find whoever did this and stop them.' You can ask her what she witnessed and she can only describe the killer as, '[..] unbelievably fast' and suggests following his trail through Solitude. Lyris will approach Svana to bring her a safe place while you begin the hunt. Lyris Titanborn : 'Come on, princess. Let's get you somewhere safe.' Svana : 'Don't call me princess. Just Svana. There's nothing noble about me.' Tracking a Killer in Solitude [ edit ] 'High Priest Ingurt identified the assassin as a vampire and said he was headed for the city gate.'
Once outside the palace, you will find Tysvald weeping over Daiske's body at the junction of the main road through Solitude and the side path to left. When you talk to him, Tysvald will describe the assassin as, 'He wore an eye patch, but his face was bestial. [..] Pale as snow.' and heading towards the Hall of the Dead after he tore into Daiske like a dog with a bone.
Continue to follow this side road past the Job Broker tents and you'll find High Priest Ingurt praying over the bodies of Hildyva and Thorjolf. Talking with Ingurt, he will have identified the killer as a vampire from previous experience. 'It moved like a shadow and took sustenance from these poor souls. I called upon Arkay's grace and the vampire fled before his sacred presence.' He then notes that it fled in the direction of the city gates. Shield-Corporal Thjol is encountered once more
When you arrive at the city gates, you will find the vampire's fifth known victim, Shield-Sentry Sonolia who once guarded the Queen. Shield-Corporal Thjol will be hovering over her and will recognize you from your previous meeting. He won't know anything about a vampire but does confirm that the killer ran through the gates after he killed Sonolia. Thjol is immediately suspicious of your involvement but backs off when he hears about the Queen's death.
After you have talked to Thjol, a frustrated Lyris will arrive: Lyris Titanborn : 'This is Svargrim's fault. He should have heeded us from the start.'
Talk to Lyris and tell her what you learnt. With the trail having seemingly run cold, Lyris will suggest that it's 'time to fight fire with fire' and asks to talk with Fennorian about his knowledge of the local vampire clans. His last known location is near Morthal, where he went to research the harrowstorm ritual with Old Mjolen. After renaming him Fenn as 'It's simpler.' , Lyris will decide to stay behind to update Svana on everything. The Clever Woman of Morthal [ edit ] Fennorian and Old Mjolen
Fennorian can be found at Old Mjolen's temporary camp in the Drajkmyr marsh. When you talk to him, he'll ask how your audience went and you can tell him about Queen Gerhyld's death and the vampire assassin. After showing him the medallion you found, Fennorian will recognize the design if not the clan, '[..] And this insignia. I've seen it before. It's the same as the symbol that decorates the urns smuggled out of Bangkorai. If it belongs to a vampire bloodline, I'm not familiar with it. I suggest you ask Mjolen.'
Upon examining the medallion, Mjolen will be able to detect an unknown enchantment but won't know anything more about the owner. However, she can use the medallion as a focus for divining the location of the vampire. 'Bring me the bones of a wolf and a deathbell plant pulled up by its roots. I need the plant alive. The wolf, not so much. With those reagents, I can conjure a divination that will lead you directly to the last person to wear this medallion.' These reagents can be found in the surrounding marshland, the Deathbells can be found growing at the base of trees while a pile of Wolf Bones can be found near the water pools. Alternatively, you can kill any skeletal wolves around the marsh for bones.
After you have the items, you can return to Old Mjolen, who will warn you that divination results can be fickle. She'll then start the divination: A blue ritual circle appears around the fire as she invokes Mother Wolf. Old Mjolen : 'Mother Wolf, hear me! We seek your blessing in our hunt. Lead us to our elusive quarry.' There will be a wolf howl and the ritual will finish.
According to Mjolen, the divination was a success and the medallion will act as a tracker when activated. When you use the Enchanted Icereach Coven Medallion , an illusory vision will appear before you. It shows the vampire feeding on an unlucky hunter at a campsite, Fennorian will note the direction the trail heads in: Fennorian : 'A camp? And look! The magic points to the west!' The Magical Medallion Tracker [ edit ] The assassin leaves another victim in his wake
When you arrive at the camp, you will find the body of the Redguard hunter. Searching a nearby pack, you will find a Tattered Cloak which confirms the killer is the same vampire. Fennorian will then arrive via vampiric teleportation and kneel by the body to examine her: Fennorian : 'The assassin drained her of blood.'
You can then use the enchanted medallion again, this time it will show some primitive tents: Fennorian : 'He must have been desperate to feed while trying to escape.'
There is the option of talking to Fennorian before continuing your search. He will elaborate on what the vision showed, 'This one showed your assassin again, eye patch and all, by a cave near a waterfall. And the ball of magicka drifted toward the west again.' The closest cave in this area is Chillwind Depths so that is your next location to search.
When you enter the cavern, Fennorian will arrive and split off from you to search: Fennorian : 'Yes, this is definitely the place in the vision. I'll slip past and scout ahead.'
At this point you have the option of also helpingHamvir while searching the caves. In the deepest part of the cave, you can find a hidden passage which leads to the secluded hideaway. There you will find the assassin, unfortunately he will have just stabbed Fennorian as you arrived: Pentarch Khorb : 'Bah! I'll deal with you next time, you fangless cur.'
Talking with Fennorian, it would seem you arrived just in time before assassin could do worse to him. Even more fortuitous, he will have left papers and documents at the camp before he fled. Fennorian will ask you to go through them while he picks himself up. You can find three items at the camp, first is Crude Map which shows a mine entrance. The second is the Pentarch's Orders, a letter which orders the assassination of Queen Gerhyld as a response to your actions in Kilkreath. The third document is the Assassin's Letter, which is addressed to Pentarch Khorb by a Sister Tharda and refers to a mining consortium that remains in the dark about their true purpose as an energy source for a ritual.
Once you have read all the documents, Fennorian will ask to see them: Fennorian : 'I didn't get a good look at that before. Mind bringing it over?'
While looking at them, Fennorian will recognize the location shown in the map. It is a mine in the Karthald region known as Silversnow Mine and as it is a likely target for a harrowstorm ritual. While you head to the mine, Fennorian will have a courier contact Lyris to meet you there. Descent into Silversnow Mine [ edit ]
The mine can be found just over the hill from the Eversnow Inn and the closest wayshrine is Southern Watch. Just as you arrive, Fennorian and Lyris will catch up: Lyris Titanborn : 'As evil lairs go, I'm not impressed.' Fennorian : 'I'll take that as a good sign.'
When you talk with Lyris, it will turn out that Fennorian gave her a succinct summary of what has happened, 'The clever woman helped you track the queen's assassin to his hideout in Chillwind Depths. He got away, but left behind evidence that the coven's planning another harrowstorm in this mine and we're going to wreck those plans. I miss anything?'
After giving the affirmative that you're ready, Lyris and Fennorian will then run into the mine: Lyris Titanborn : 'These tunnels look freshly dug. The Gray Host has certainly been busy.'
Once inside they will become your followers and you can lead them down the winding scaffolding: Lyris Titanborn : 'Scaffolding. Let's follow it down.' Fennorian : 'Careful, the structure doesn't appear to be completely stable.' Lyris Titanborn : 'Relax. It will take more than a rickety structure to take down Lyris Titanborn.' Fennorian : 'Actually, I was more concerned for my own well-being, but if you insist .'
Keep in mind, one of the missing instruments from the Bards College can be found in this location in a hidden alcove. Upon reaching the bottom of the shaft, a short tunnel will open up into the much larger Dusktown Cavern: 'It's just like the old legends Blackreach!' Lyris Titanborn : 'Blackreach again? Like beneath Eastmarch. Does it extend below all of Skyrim?' Fennorian : 'Blackreach? So the legends are true? But why is there a town down here?'
Fennorian is right, a small town can be seen down the road leading from the passage you just emerged from. Before you can continue, you'll need to speak with both Lyris and Fennorian to work out a plan to track down Pentarch Khorb. Lyris will be surprised that there is an actual settlement in Blackreach, she'll want to split up to question the locals about the eye-patch wearing vampire. Meanwhile with Fenn, he will immediately see the area as an ideal hiding place for the Icereach Coven and any vampires working with them. While you and Lyris investigate the town, he will go and scout around the outskirts. Both will warn you to be careful.
Once in the town proper, you can find two locals to question, Rola and Galuf. While neither know anything about a man wearing an eye patch, Galuf can at least give you an overview of the mining operation and how he was recruited. This is where many of the laborers who answered the fliers ended up. After speaking with both of them, an annoyed Lyris will approach you. She didn't have any luck either but wants to go find Fenn and see if he uncovered something. Halting the Harrowstorm [ edit ] Destroy the Witch Pikes and stop a harrowstorm ritual
Fennorian can be found at the northern outskirts hiding behind a cart, he will call you over when he sees you: Fennorian : 'Over here!'
Unlike you and Lyris, he had much better results while he was scouting, though it is worrying news, 'You're just in time. I spotted the vampire with the eye patch. He met with a coven witch who immediately ordered her lackeys to place witch pikes around the area.' As the ritual causes a magical storm, being underground shouldn't be considered a defense against it. However, the ritual can be stopped if the Witch Pikes are destroyed beforehand.
Immediately, Lyris will take action and give orders before running off: Lyris Titanborn : 'Move! You take the east side, I'll take the west. Then meet in the middle.'
You will need to find and destroy the witch pikes located to the east and northeast of Dusktown. Unlike the fully developed ones seen at Harrowstorms, they are spindly and can be destroyed with a few whacks of an axe. However, they will be protected by combination of Icereach Coven and Vampires who are wearing matching uniforms. After you have destroyed both pikes, you can find Fennorian nearby who will report you and Lyris' success: Fennorian : 'You stopped the harrowstorm before it could even get started! Now to deal with the vampire and the witch.'
Talking with him, you will learn that he caught sight of Pentarch Khorb and Sister Tharda who was helping him. '[..] The witch and the vampire assassin fled into Kagnthamz, a Dwarven ruin. We can deal with them in there.' Secrets of Kagnthamz [ edit ] Kagnthamz is crawling with vampires
The ruin of Kagnthamz can be found to the southeast of Dusktown, with the Dwarf's Bane Ritual Site to the north. Once you arrive at the entrance, Lyris and Fenn will arrive: Lyris Titanborn : 'We're here. Let's find this assassin.'
As soon as you enter the ruin, Fennorian will comment: Live Another Life Skyrim Options Fennorian : 'Careful. I sense the presence of other vampires.'
He is immediately proven right as you enter the next chamber, vampires can be found wandering about as clusters of harrowfiends gather around broken animunculi. Fennorian : 'Harrowfiends! Not the result of the ritual we stopped, so they must have brought them from someplace else.' We finally cornered the vampire assassin who killed the queen. Time to make him pay for his crime.
Further into the ruins, you will find a closed door which leads to a renovated room filled with torture devices and dead or comatose commoners. Your target, Pentarch Khorb will be walking between the bodies, periodically draining them of life essence. When you engage him in combat he will be exasperated: Lyris Titanborn : 'An eye patch! That's the assassin!' Pentarch Khorb : 'Don't you ever give up the chase?'
In this fight Pentarch Khorb will initially use Nightblade abilities to fight. Harrowfiends and death hounds will also join the battle. As his health drops to a certain point, the Pentarch will reveal his trump card as he crows: Pentarch Khorb : 'I kept you busy long enough. Sister Tharda shall revive the exarchs!'
His form will shift as he becomes temporarily invulnerable, his new body is much taller and bulkier than his former frame and has bat-like features. Once he is slain, Queen Gerhyld will be avenged: Lyris Titanborn : 'That's for Queen Gerhyld, you bastard.' Fennorian : 'Now we need to find Sister Tharda.'
After the concerning statement about 'reviving the exarchs' , you will need to find Sister Tharda quickly. Head through the door and continue down the passage, fighting off vampires along the away. Eventually, you will find yourself on some scaffolding which over looks a vast room ringed with strange stone statues. From the patterns of ash on the ground, it appears to be a ritual chamber. Down below, you will see Sister Tharda, but she won't be alone. Fennorian : 'You listen in. I'll unlock the door.' Sister Tharda is performing some sort of ritual and she isn't alone
While he picks the door's lock, Sister Tharda and an unknown man stand before a stone construct with a large urn between her and it. As she performs the ritual a blue Reach sigil forms beneath her. Sister Tharda : 'Rise exarch and be reborn!' The construct goes one knee and blue lights from the urn enter it. A wolf howls is heard. The stone construct shatters and a Werewolf Behemoth emerges from it. Exarch Ulfra : 'Tzinghalis? Where is this place?' The man walks towards the werewolf. Exarch Tzinghalis : 'The Ashen Lord commands it, and so we live once more, Ulfra.' Exarch Ulfra : 'Alive again? How?' Sister Tharda : 'You have the Icereach Coven to thank for that, werewolf.' Tzinghalis jabs his finger at her. Exarch Tzinghalis : 'Using my recipes, witch.' Sister Tharda : 'I meant no disrespect, Exarch Tzinghalis.' Ulfra starts sniffing the air. Exarch Ulfra : 'We're being watched, brother.' Exarch Tzinghalis : 'Next time, Tharda, the Ashen Lord will expect more than the restoration of a single reliquary. Now deal with the intruders or I'll toss you to the harrowfiends.' Exarchs Tzinghalis and Ulfra leave the chamber. Sister Tharda : 'Come out, little skeevers. Come out and play with Sister Tharda!' Lyris Titanborn: 'How many of your sisters am I going to have to kill before you give up?' We need to kill Sister Tharda.
Before you can chase after the two Exarchs, you will need to deal with Sister Tharda. During this fight, Lyris and Fennorian will help you, dealing damage and providing healing respectively. The Coven witch will use a combination of frost magic and necromancy to fight, more elements will be added to the field as the fight progresses. Sister Tharda : 'Is it you who's killed my dear sisters? Our vengeance will plague you beyond the grave!'
When her health hits a certain point, she will teleport to a corner of the room cast a shield of bones around herself, rendering her invulnerable. During this she will summon a small group of undead which increase in difficulty with each phase. (From Bone Flayers, Icy Skeleton Squad to Flesh Colossus). In addition to the undead, a green cyclone which will randomly move around the room is also conjured. The invulnerable shield will be removed once the adds are removed. Each time she puts up the shield, another cyclone will be added leading up to the last phase where the cyclones will then become focused on you.
Once you have killed her, Lyris and Fennorian will run out of the chamber to catch up to the escaped exarchs. Lyris Titanborn : 'One more witch for the pyre. Let's go after the other two.' More Questions and returning to Svana [ edit ]
You can find your companions below the ledge once you leave the ruins. Unfortunately the Exarchs have escaped: Lyris Titanborn : 'Damn, we lost them.'
Talk with both of them to see what they want to do next, both will stay behind to study the ritual site before going their separate ways. While talking to Fennorian, he will be trying to process the reviving of Exarch Ulfra that you just witnessed. He will also have revised his theory about the harrowstorms, 'I thought the purpose of the harrowstorms were to create harrowfiends, but now I think that's only a byproduct. The storm somehow gathered energy that the witch used to summon Ulfra the werewolf. Ulfra seemed to think she was brought back to life.' 'What news of the bastard who murdered my mother? Did you find him?'
Lyris on the other hand, will be focused on the titles they used as well as the mention of an 'Ashen Lord'. Continuing to talk to her, Lyris will ask that you report back to Svana at the Lonely Troll and tell her of the assassin's death as, '[..] She'd want to know. More than that, she deserves to know.'
The Dusktown Wayshrine is the closest if you want to reach Solitude quickly. Svana can be found sitting on a bench with her head down. As you approach, she'll stand and Maugh will come in to see how she is. Upon reporting Pentarch Khorb's death, Svana will state that she would have preferred him brought back for 'a proper trial and execution' but puts that aside and asks if her mother's death was connected to the threat you were investigating, you can confirm and explain what they do. 'Damn those Reach witches! And damn my father for being so so obstinate!
But what does the coven want? Are they planning to kill my father? What else can you tell me about this threat to our kingdom?' The coven can summon devastating storms that wipe people's minds and turn them into monsters. 'That's horrible! But there must be more to this than simply turning my people into monsters.
Well, I'll do what I can to help you. Mother would have wanted me to. What you've done and discovered will be enough to convince my father. It has to be.'
After naming herself your ally in this matter, Svana will hand you some gold and the Surcoat of Solitude. Quest Stages [ edit ] Dark Clouds Over Solitude Finishes Quest Journal Entry If I have anything else to discuss with Lyris, I should do it now before we go to see the queen. I should head to the Blue Palace and meet up with Lyris before we present ourselves to Queen Gerhyld. Objective : Go to the Blue Palace Something terrible has happened inside the Blue Palace. I should talk to Lyris. Hidden Objective : Talk to Lyris Lyris asked me to look around for clues about the assassin. How did they get in and out of the palace? Anything to connect them to the Icereach Coven? I should see what I can find. Objective : Investigate the Scene of the Assassination I found a medallion among the shattered glass beneath a broken window the assassin may have escaped through. I should show the medallion to Lyris and see what she makes of it. Lyris wants to confront High King Svargrim and try to get him to listen to reason. I should follow her. Objective : Follow Lyris Titanborn Lyris intimidated our way into High King Svargrim's chamber. Now we need to talk to him and convince him of the danger posed to his kingdom by the Icereach Coven. High King Svargrim refuses to believe us. He thinks this might be a trick perpetrated by Jorunn the Skald-King. He demanded we leave and Lyris obliged. I should follow her. Objective : Leave High King Svargrim's Chamber Princess Svana approached us as we exited Svargrim's chamber. I should speak with her. Princess Svana wants us to keep looking into the threat to Western Skyrim. To start, she wants us to figure out where the queen's assassin fled to after he left the palace. I should look for anyone who saw him. Objective : Find a Witness Who Saw the Assassin The assassin killed a woman in the street then headed for the Hall of the Dead. That's the next location where I should look for a witness. High Priest Ingurt identified the assassin as a vampire and said he was headed for the city gate. That's the next location where I should look for a witness. Objective : Find a Witness at Solitude's Gate Lyris met me at the city gate. I should tell her what I learned. Lyris suggested I talk to Fennorian about the vampire who killed the queen and see how his research on the harrowstorms has progressed. He should be with a clever woman in the marshes northwest of Morthal. I should find him there. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fennorian told me that Old Mjolen is an expert at divination and suggested I show her the medallion I took from the assassin. I should speak with her. Old Mjolen's divination spell requires the following reagents: deathbell and wolf bones. I can find both in the bog around Morthal. Objective : Gather Wolf Bones I gathered the reagents that Old Mjolen requires. I should take them to her. Objective : Return to Old Mjolen Old Mjolen completed her divination spell. I should ask her what comes next. Old Mjolen enchanted the Icereach Medallion so that I can use it to track the vampire assassin. I should use it and see where it leads. Objective : Use the Enchanted Medallion The medallion showed me a vision of the vampire assassin and a small camp. The magic indicated that I should go to the west to find it. Optional Step : Talk to Fennorian We tracked the vampire assassin to a camp where he killed another victim. I should use the enchanted medallion again and see where it leads. The medallion showed a vision of a cave west of the camp. I should head there now and search the cave. Objective : Search the Cave for the Assassin I reached the assassin's hideout just as he was about to finish off Fennorian. Luckily, the assassin decided to flee rather than deal with the both of us. I should check on Fenn and make sure he's all right. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fenn asked me to search the assassin's hideout for clues he left behind. I should take a look around. Objective : Examine the Orders I found a map and a few documents left behind by the vampire assassin when he fled. I should discuss their contents with Fennorian. Objective : Talk to Fennorian I should follow the map and meet up with Lyris at the entrance to the mine. Objective : Talk to Lyris Titanborn Lyris, Fennorian, and I need to explore the old mine and see if we can find any sign of the vampire assassin. We followed scaffolding down into the depths of the mine and found a massive cavern. I should talk to my companions about this place. Objective : Talk to Lyris Titanborn Lyris and I agreed to split up and investigate the mining town for signs of the vampire assassin while Fenn searches the cavern outside the town. I should speak to a few of the locals and find out what's going on down here. Objective : Investigate the Underground Town: 0/2 Other than learning that Dusktown is part of the Bitterblade Mining Consortium, I didn't find out much. No one's seen the vampire assassin, though. I should see if Lyris discovered anything. We need to meet up with Fenn on the far side of town and see what he's learned during his scouting. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fenn spotted the vampire assassin and a coven witch. He's going to follow them while Lyris and I destroy the witch pikes they set up in preparation for their harrowstorm ritual. Objective : Destroy the Witch Pike to the Northeast I've destroyed the witch pikes on my side of town. I should find Fenn and ask if he has any new information on where the vampire assassin and coven witch may have gone. Fennorian spotted the queen's assassin and a coven witch flee into a nearby Dwarven ruin called Kagnthamz. He asked me to meet him and Lyris there. I should head inside and wait for them to catch up. Objective : Enter Kagnthamz Now that Lyris and Fenn have arrived, we should search the ruins for the vampire assassin and his coven witch ally. We finally cornered the vampire assassin who killed the queen. Time to make him pay for his crime. Objective : Kill the Queen's Assassin The queen's assassin is dead, but the Icereach witch Fenn saw is still at large. The assassin called her Sister Tharda. Sister Tharda is performing some sort of ritual and she isn't alone. Fenn wants to observe the event for a moment before we act. Objective : Observe the Ritual The witch's ritual caused a werewolf to emerge from a stone husk. The werewolf and the vampire departed, but left the witch to stop us. We need to kill Sister Tharda. We killed Sister Tharda, but the werewolf and vampire got away. Lyris and Fenn ran off in pursuit. I should go after them. Objective : Follow Lyris and Fennorian I need to catch up with Lyris and Fenn and see if they spotted the vampire and the werewolf that were talking to Sister Tharda. Objective : Talk to Fennorian While Lyris and Fenn take another look at the Icereach witch's ritual site and those stone husks, I need to return to Solitude and let Princess Svana know that we killed the assassin who murdered her mother, the queen. Svana wants to know more about the Icereach Coven and the threat they pose to her kingdom. I should tell her what I know. Objective : Talk to Svana Notes Prev: The Gathering Storm Up: Shadows Under Skyrim Next: Danger in the Holds Retrieved from ''
One can complain about some Skyrim quests. Some are boring, some are too hard, and some dont make any sense.
But I think its safe to say that the game has some truly memorable missions that youll absolutely love to play time and time again.
Skyrim has much more replay value than most games, and being an RPG you can always choose your story each time.
That uniqueness translates into the way you take on certain quests, and the decisions you take to define your character and their personality.
As nerdy as that may sound, its actually super cool!
If you havent played a fresh save game in a long time, it might be time for you to take another look at Skyrim. Maybe by looking into a few of these awesome quests but where do you start?
Ive got your back, dont worry these are my picks for the best quests in Skyrim that you really should play, whether youve played them before or missed out on them, definitely give these a look over! 30. The Silver Hand
I think its safe to say that this quest HAD to be on my list.
The Silver Hand is the quest in which you join the Circle and become a Werewolf, initiating yourself into a life of darkness from which you wont be able to turn back any time soon.
Kill the werewolf hunters and prove your loyalty to the order.
Youre about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. 29. Diplomatic Immunity
Dragons have been gone for many years. What caused them to come back?, many have asked themselves.
Theres really no way to tell without a whole lot of investigating. And the answers are sure to be as interesting as the question itself.
The Diplomatic Immunity quest will take you on a special mission in which youll have to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy to see if you can find anything that ties the resurgence of dragons with the reappearance of the Thalmor.
An intriguing and fascinating quest indeed, and one with many historical ties to the land of Tamriel as a whole. 28. Innocence Lost
By far one of the most somber quests in Skyrim, Innocence Lost will have you aid a child in his mission to summon the Dark Brotherhood.
Youll have to kill an innocent woman. Will that stop you?
The Dark Brotherhood questline is not as good in Skyrim as it was in Oblivion, but this single quest truly stands out.
And just note that since it is part of the Brotherhood questline, so youll have to complete it if you intend to become the leader of the order in Skyrim. 27. Forgetting About Fjola
Its time to go and rescue Fjola to help poor Christer, her husband. Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Quest
Wait, shes not being held captive Did she actually become the leader of the bandits that live in the tower?
Well, apparently so. But youll have to figure that out on your own.
This is one weird quest that will make you question your own morality by trying to do the right thing or feeling tempted to do the wrong one.
Whichever choice you make, the outcome wont necessarily feel like the right one. In any case, its a good and rather odd quest that you have to play if youve never encountered Christer before. 26. The Way of the Voice
The Way of the Voice is one of the most emblematic quests in Skyrim.
And one that serves to build some of the plots of the main storyline too. Once you learn your Unrelenting Force shout, the Greybeards themselves will summon you.
And youll have to embark on a quest towards High Hrothgar to speak to the elders and learn The Way of the Voice.
This quest is one of the main pillars that hold together the main questline of the game, and one of the best ones in terms of storytelling in Skyrim (in my opinion).
It might not be as full of thrills as others. But it does set quite a fantastic picture for the game to unfold. I fully recommend you give it a shot. 25. The Black Star
I know that many Daedric Princes tend to cause conflict in players, as we dont know whether to fear them, hate them, respect them, or like them.
Azura has to be one of my favorite Daedric Princess in the game. And the Black Star quest is also one of my favorite Daedric quests in all of the Elder Scrolls universe.
This quest will set you on a mission, given to you by Azura herself, that should end with you cleansing her Black Star which is corrupted by Necromancers.
Malyn Varens soul must be destroyed will you do it, or will you let Azura down?
This fantastic quest remains as one of the best Daedric quests in terms of storytelling , and Azuras voice actor did a great job in interpreting the script for this. 24. The Forsworn Conspiracy
A Conspiracy between the Forsworn and the Silver Bloods seems to be the talk of the town in Markrath.
Such a peaceful city doesnt deserve the air of shadiness that surrounds it. So youll have to embark on a mission to clear things up and decide the outcome of the conspiracy.
This truly fascinating quest will force you to become an investigator as you try to discover what exactly is happening in Markrath, and why you witnessed a man murder a woman in broad daylight. 23. The Dawnguard Questline
Is there really anything bad to say about the Dawnguard questline?
I think its the best questline in the game, with a unique story and narrative matched by no other quest in Skyrim.
If you dont own Dawnguard, definitely go snag it at some point. Its well worth the cash. 22. The Pale Lady
The Pale Lady is a spirit that seems to be roaming the lands of Skyrim. She doesnt seem able to find rest ever since her sword was stolen.
It is up to you to decide whether youll return the sword and lay the Pale Lady to her final rest, or kill the spirit and keep the sword for yourself.
The fight against the Pale Lady is truly difficult if you have the game set on Expert. And itll be quite a challenge to keep the sword too.
Its worth it, though.
This weapon has a masterful effect where your foes takes 25 points of frost damage when theyre slashed. Hard to get but great to have. 21. Unbound
Yes, this quest wasnt going to be missing from my list.
Unbound is the first quest in the game, which starts with the infamous Hey, youre finally awake quote that has become the new Rick Rolling of video games.
This legendary quest is the most emblematic out of the bunch, as it basically serves as the introduction to Skyrim as well as the tutorial for the game.
Create your character and set yourself on a collision course towards the final fight with Alduin.
You cant escape your destiny, Dragonborn. Make the best of what you have after leaving behind the chains that tie you! 20. The Book of Love
The Book of Love is quite a long quest. But one that takes a spot on my list because of its amazing and immersive storytelling.
Mara is the Goddess of Love in Tamriel, and shes really praised in the lands of Skyrim.
You will need to head to her temple in Riften where youll have to perform many quests for her followers to gain the favor of Mara herself.
You will receive the Agent of Mara blessing after completing it, which grants a permanent magic resistance buff of 15.
Earn the favor of the goddess and get an amazing buff along the way early in the game theres no better way to kickstart your Skyrim adventure!
Besides, some characters change locations further down the line, so you might be better off completing this quest before the Civil War questline. 19. Hard Answers
This quest is super odd.
Youll be sent on a mission to try and decode a hidden message in order to prove the treachery of a man who we dont know whether hes guilty or not.
The coded journal that he kept might hold his secrets, though. And Enthir seems to think that translating it is the key.
Your mission will be to decode the message and find out the truth.
Its hard to get answers, and this quest truly emphasizes that concept. A fun yet different quest is always one worth playing. Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Mod 18. Rise in the East
Yes, its that quest.
I honestly loved this quest because ships have never been a thing in Skyrim (not when they move, at least).
So I think this is as close as well ever get to experiencing some pirate action in the game. The quest itself is fantastic too, and youll be off fighting and killing a lot on your way to complete it. 17. The Wolf Queen Awakened
The Wolf Queen Awakened is a level 10+ quest that will have you gather the remains of Potema Septim and defeat her spirit, all to stop the Wolf Queen from returning to the world of the living.
Get ready to strike down one of the strongest early-game foes that youll encounter if you decide to partake in this difficult mission! 16. Ill Met By Moonlight
Ill Met By Moonlight is a fantastic werewolf quest given by none other than Hircine himself.
The quest itself isnt too much of a big deal, in my opinion.
But the rewards you get at the end is what makes it one of the best in the game.
If you happen to spare the werewolves that youll fight in this quest instead of killing them, Hircine will appear and grant you his blessing.
Unlike Mara, the Wolf Prince will give you his blessing in the form of a special ring: aka Hircines Ring.
This bad boy grants the ability to transform into a werewolf as much as youd want (if you are a werewolf already, of course). 15. A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember is, arguably, one of the most fun Daedric quests that you can play in the entire Elder Scrolls franchise.
This one has you undergo a drinking contest with a dude called Sam and a couple of his friends.
The thing is that this contest will cause you to get blindly drunk and wake up the next day without any recollection of what happened, highly reminiscent of those times back in college.
The thing is, that the winner of the contest was supposed to get a weird staff from Sam. At least, according to what he promised.
However hes nowhere to be seen, and you seem to have made quite a mess while drunk.
Youll have to find Sam and see what that was all about. But the man holds a huge secret himself so be careful! 14. Battle for Whiterun
It doesnt matter whether you take the side of the Stormcloaks and lead the rebellion of Skyrim, or the side of the Empire and try to put a stop to the rebellion; this quest is by far one of the best in the game and a defining moment in the storyline.
In any case, Whiterun holds the key to the victor of the war.
Whoever wins this battle will decide the fate of Skyrim. And with it, the fate of the lives of many people.
Stop the rebels and fight for the Empire, or fight for a cause that seems honorable? Your pick. 13. Hail Sithis!
Its time to get that blade ready your next Dark Brotherhood contract is to kill the Emperor himself.
This mission is by far one of the coolest and most epic, and even though the Dark Brotherhood questline is a bit underwhelming, this mission truly makes up for it.
Basically, this is a cant-miss quest. 12. Coming of Age
A treasure awaits somewhere deep inside a cave in Skyrim.
In order to start this quest and embark on an adventure, youll have to speak to Salma and Beem-Ja outside the mysterious cave.
You will then have to enter the cave, where youll end up with the treacherous Beem-Ja. Should you come out victorious, youll also end up claiming the treasure!
I guess riches get the best of some men including greedy Beem-Ja.
The world will be better off without him. 11. The House of Horrors
There is a house in Markrath that seems to have been cursed by demons.
Thats what the legend says, anyways.
And you will find that to be true as you embark on the House of Horrors quest in assistance to the Vigilants of Stendarr (theres a mod that allows you to join them too!)
In any case, this will end up with you speaking to none other than Daedric Prince Molag Bal.
If you havent completed it yet, go ahead and enjoy yourself. Its super fun. 10. Frostflow Abyss
Alright friend, if youre into creepy or eerie quests, you mightve found your match.
I wont go into much detail about it as the thrill and mystery are crucial to this quest, and if you havent played it yet I dont want to spoil the fun.
Explore the Frostflow Abyss and uncover the dark secret being held in its depths. Check out this guide if you really want to learn more 9. Forgotten Names
Deep below the College of Winterhold youll find a mysterious Daedric Glove.
Whats the purpose of this artifact? What are you supposed to do with it?
Forgotten Names is a quest that will take you on a mysterious adventure towards the depths of the college, where youll have to solve a couple of quick puzzles and then make the decision of whether to end a life or save it.
As many Daedric quests, this one has quite a dark taint to it that makes it just eerie enough to balance itself between good and evil. 8. Blood on the Ice
Oh man, this quest has been such a huge sensation among the Skyrim player base.
I think its truly impacting everyone because its not a quest that youd expect to find in the game unless you install a mod.
But no Bethesda actually went ahead and added a quest about a damn serial killer to the game. The absolute mad lads.
Blood on the Ice will have you investigate the mysterious killings of various women in Windhelm, and hopefully put an end to the sadistic game being played by one man (or woman?) that lives in the city. Shotgun messiah second coming rar. 7. The Ghost of Old Hroldan
This lore-rich quest is another one on my list that involves ghosts. Im sorry, I know its becoming a trend. But there are too many good quests with undead in them!
In this one, youll have to return the sword of Hjalti to the ghost that roams in the Old Hroldan Inn.
Do it and bring peace to this one mighty warrior that died in battle. 6. Kynes Sacred Trials
I love this quest. Its all about fighting guardian beasts (which basically are spirits).
You will be visiting the lairs of many guardians and defeating them in battle if you wish to complete all of Kynes Sacred Trials.
And this quest has some serious Oblivion vibes, for some reason, which is another factor in why I absolutely love it. 5. Forbidden Legend
Its time for the Gauldur Amulet to reappear in the world. And finishing the Forbidden Legend quest is the only way to do it.
According to an old tale, there were three brothers that killed their father many years ago.
The father was the owner of the now long-gone amulet. But completing the quest will unite you with the spirit of the dead man, who will guide you and help you craft the amulet again.
The quest itself is pretty long, as youll have to find all of the ancient resting places of each of the brothers.
Puzzles and traps await, as do many creatures on a lust for blood. 4. Waking Nightmare
Why are all of the citizens of Dawnstar experiencing nightmares at night?
There seems to be a lot of confusion in the streets as to what is going on, and you must take the responsibility of cleansing whatever evil is causing woe to the citizens.
Big surprise, right? You, the hero again.
Ally with a priest of Mara and help him defeat the evil that roams Dawnstar and save the citizens from their crippling psychological pain, or ignore this quest altogether and tell them to screw themselves. 3. The Cursed Tribe
Orcs and giants battle it off as the chieftain of the orc tribe seems to be sick to his bones.
It is your mission to find a solution to this ever-growing dilemma.
How can you do it, then? Well I dont want to spoil too much, but one thing is clear as day peace is not an option.
If you decide to embark on this quest, do so as if you were going to war.
Many perils await and youll have to fight a few giants. We all know how annoying they can be. 2. The Mind of Madness
Poor old Pelagius has been possessed by Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.
Youll have to travel into his mind and set Pelagius free, while also earning the amazing Wabbajack for yourself.
I found out that many people didnt like this quest while making this list, which I thought was outrageous. I still love it though so it gets a pretty high spot in my list! 1. To Kill an Empire
To Kill an Empire might not be the quest in which you finally end the Emperors life.
But its a much better quest than Hail Sithis.
The whole plot of sneaking in and impersonating the chef that cooks for the Emperor himself is just too fun to ignore.
And the build-up, the tension, all created by this quest feels second to none.
By far the best quest in the game, in my opinion, and its got a lot of really fun backstory too. Browse: SkyrimVideo Games Stay Connected Related Posts
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Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Quest
Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Mod The UESPWiki Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Jump to: navigation, search
I sneak around to get a few items avoiding to be spotted by the warlock and then carefully exit the cave to start with nothing but the meager loot, monk robes, a dagger and a 22 mana resist ring. Then I finally make it to Shor Stone, take care of the spiders in the mine with just a fire spell/pickaxe and with that reward smith some decent.
Take the one in between, it leads you to a cave, get in. This is the cave from the vanilla start, there's a dude where there used to be a bear, talk to him. At this point you can either give Hadvar a healing potion or get out of the cave alone, I gave him a potion and headed out with him.
Once outside the palace, you will find Tysvald weeping over Daiske's body at the junction of the main road through Solitude and the side path to left. When you talk to him, Tysvald will describe the assassin as, 'He wore an eye patch, but his face was bestial.Pale as snow.' And heading towards the Hall of the Dead after he tore into Daiske like a dog with a bone.
2 Detailed Walkthrough In light of a tragedy, hunt down the creature responsible. Zone: Western Skyrim
This quest is part of the Zone Story Quest Giver: Lyris Titanborn Location(s): Solitude, Blue Palace, Western Skyrim, Chillwind Depths, Dusktown, Kagnthamz Prerequisite Quest: The Gathering Storm Next Quest: Danger in the Holds Reward: Surcoat of Solitude
Very High Leveled Gold
1 Skill Point XP Gain: Very High XP ID: 6476 Your enemies weren't happy with your actions at Kilkreath Temple The Icereach Coven and its allies can call down devastating and unnatural harrowstorms on Western Skyrim. Fennorian thinks these storms can turn people into harrowfiends and mindless harrowed. We need to inform Solitude. Quick Walkthrough [ edit ]
Return to the Blue Palace and report to Queen Gerhyld.
Speak with Lyris Titanborn and search the surrounding area.
Have audience with High King Svargrim.
Speak with Svana.
Look for witnesses in Solitude.
Find Fennorian at Old Mjolen's camp west of Morthal.
Collect reagents for Old Mjolen's divination ritual.
Find nearby hunter's camp.
Go to Chillwind Depths and search for assassin.
Examine the documents in the hideout and talk to Fennorian.
Go to Silversnow Mine and explore it with Lyris and Fennorian.
Investigate the mining town.
Destroy Witch Pikes surrounding town.
Enter Kagnthamz and track down the assassin and witch.
Kill Pentarch Khorb.
Search for Sister Tharda.
Witness the summoning ritual and kill the Coven witch.
Chase the exarchs who escaped.
Return to the Lonely Troll in Solitude and report to Svana. Detailed Walkthrough [ edit ] Returning to the Blue Palace [ edit ]
After investigating the aftermath of Kilkreath Temple and confirming the presence of the involvement of the Icereach Coven, you can talk with Lyris Titanborn about what to do next. She can either be spoken with at the altar or back in Solitude, either way she'll want to return to the Blue Palace and report your findings to the queen. 'Queen Gerhyld needs to hear what we discovered at Kilkreath Temple. Hopefully, that will be enough for her to get us an audience with High King Svargrim.' Before you leave, you can discuss Fennorian's theory about the harrowfiends and the role of clever women in Nord society.
When you arrive at the Blue Palace Courtyard with Lyris, your first sign that something has happened is when a woman runs screaming out of the palace doors. Bekeigr : 'Help! Assassins in the palace! Help!' Lyris Titanborn : 'That's one of the queen's attendants! Let's get inside!' Lyris runs ahead of you and enters the palace.
Once inside the palace, you'll realize that there is a horrifying scene to the left of the entrance. Queen Gerhyld lies on the floor dying, as both the High King and Lyris can only stand by as she speaks to her distraught daughter. Queen Gerhyld : 'Be strong, Svana.' Svana : 'Mother! No, no .' Queen Gerhyld : 'Svana your father the kingdom watch over them .' Queen Gerhyld dies. Svana : 'Motherno! You can't die! Mother?' Swordthane Uthlet : 'Sire, the assassins might return. You must get somewhere safe!' Svargrim is seething when he addresses Lyris. High King Svargrim : 'Have Jorunn's lackeys come to gloat?' Lyris Titanborn : 'We came here to warn you, your highness.' High King Svargrim : 'And yet my wife lies dead!' Lyris Titanborn : 'If you had listened to us .' High King Svargrim : 'Like she did? If I determine Jorunn had a hand in this, there will be war! Someone take care of my wife!' Svana : 'Father, please!' Svargrim is then lead out through a side door by Swordthane Uthlet. Search for clues
After this, you can talk with Lyris. She'll speculate on a possible connection to the coven and how an assassin managed to get into the palace, before asking you to investigate the room while she guards the princess. A window near the Queen has a small hole in the corner and the glass shards below it shows that it was recently broken. When you examine it closer, you'll find an Icereach Coven Medallion which fell off when the assassin escaped.
Bring the medallion to Lyris who can be found standing in front of the main stairs. She'll decide it's time to speak with High King Svargrim and make him confront some harsh truths. Once Lyris is outside Svargrim's chamber, she will talk with Swordthane Uthlet: Lyris Titanborn : 'We need to see the high king.' Swordthane Uthlet 'I should think not! The high king is in mourning. He's not to be disturbed.' Lyris Titanborn : 'The queen's wasn't the only life lost today. Now get out of our way.' Lyris glares at him, Uthlet steps to the side. Swordthane Uthlet 'I er go right in.' An audience with High King Svargrim
When you enter the room, Svargrim will be in no mood to talk. Lyris Titanborn : 'Your highness, please. Your kingdom is in grave danger.' High King Svargrim : 'My queen's blood hasn't yet cooled and already Jorunn's lackeys hound me!' Lyris Titanborn : 'We have proof that the coven threatening your kingdom is responsible for the queen's death. Show him, partner.'
This is your first meeting with High King Svargrim, who will already see you as a lackey of Jorunn. It will not matter that you were working on behalf of Queen Gerhyld, your report about Kilkreath Temple and warnings about Icereach Coven will be seen as a campfire story at best and sedition at worse. 'Tales told around campfires to scare the children! Storms happen here all the time, and none of them spawn monsters. The last spy who spoke of such things well, he no longer speaks of such things.' After this warning and threat, Svargrim will then hint that he better not find evidence linking the Queen's murder to you before you are dismissed.
With this disappointing result, you and Lyris are forced to leave empty-handed: Lyris Titanborn : 'We'll leave you to your grief, your highness.'
Once you have left the chamber, you will be approached by Svana who has questions of her own: Svana : 'Is it true? Mother told me you were working for her before she .' Lyris Titanborn : 'I I'm sorry, Svana. I would have saved her if I could.'
Talking with Svana, you can confirm that you were gathering evidence about a threat to Western Skyrim and that the Queen was likely killed because of it. After hearing about her father's lackluster response, Svana vows to help you, 'Well, I won't let my mother's death be for nothing. She trusted you and so will I, my father be damned. Please. Find whoever did this and stop them.' You can ask her what she witnessed and she can only describe the killer as, '[..] unbelievably fast' and suggests following his trail through Solitude. Lyris will approach Svana to bring her a safe place while you begin the hunt. Lyris Titanborn : 'Come on, princess. Let's get you somewhere safe.' Svana : 'Don't call me princess. Just Svana. There's nothing noble about me.' Tracking a Killer in Solitude [ edit ] 'High Priest Ingurt identified the assassin as a vampire and said he was headed for the city gate.'
Once outside the palace, you will find Tysvald weeping over Daiske's body at the junction of the main road through Solitude and the side path to left. When you talk to him, Tysvald will describe the assassin as, 'He wore an eye patch, but his face was bestial. [..] Pale as snow.' and heading towards the Hall of the Dead after he tore into Daiske like a dog with a bone.
Continue to follow this side road past the Job Broker tents and you'll find High Priest Ingurt praying over the bodies of Hildyva and Thorjolf. Talking with Ingurt, he will have identified the killer as a vampire from previous experience. 'It moved like a shadow and took sustenance from these poor souls. I called upon Arkay's grace and the vampire fled before his sacred presence.' He then notes that it fled in the direction of the city gates. Shield-Corporal Thjol is encountered once more
When you arrive at the city gates, you will find the vampire's fifth known victim, Shield-Sentry Sonolia who once guarded the Queen. Shield-Corporal Thjol will be hovering over her and will recognize you from your previous meeting. He won't know anything about a vampire but does confirm that the killer ran through the gates after he killed Sonolia. Thjol is immediately suspicious of your involvement but backs off when he hears about the Queen's death.
After you have talked to Thjol, a frustrated Lyris will arrive: Lyris Titanborn : 'This is Svargrim's fault. He should have heeded us from the start.'
Talk to Lyris and tell her what you learnt. With the trail having seemingly run cold, Lyris will suggest that it's 'time to fight fire with fire' and asks to talk with Fennorian about his knowledge of the local vampire clans. His last known location is near Morthal, where he went to research the harrowstorm ritual with Old Mjolen. After renaming him Fenn as 'It's simpler.' , Lyris will decide to stay behind to update Svana on everything. The Clever Woman of Morthal [ edit ] Fennorian and Old Mjolen
Fennorian can be found at Old Mjolen's temporary camp in the Drajkmyr marsh. When you talk to him, he'll ask how your audience went and you can tell him about Queen Gerhyld's death and the vampire assassin. After showing him the medallion you found, Fennorian will recognize the design if not the clan, '[..] And this insignia. I've seen it before. It's the same as the symbol that decorates the urns smuggled out of Bangkorai. If it belongs to a vampire bloodline, I'm not familiar with it. I suggest you ask Mjolen.'
Upon examining the medallion, Mjolen will be able to detect an unknown enchantment but won't know anything more about the owner. However, she can use the medallion as a focus for divining the location of the vampire. 'Bring me the bones of a wolf and a deathbell plant pulled up by its roots. I need the plant alive. The wolf, not so much. With those reagents, I can conjure a divination that will lead you directly to the last person to wear this medallion.' These reagents can be found in the surrounding marshland, the Deathbells can be found growing at the base of trees while a pile of Wolf Bones can be found near the water pools. Alternatively, you can kill any skeletal wolves around the marsh for bones.
After you have the items, you can return to Old Mjolen, who will warn you that divination results can be fickle. She'll then start the divination: A blue ritual circle appears around the fire as she invokes Mother Wolf. Old Mjolen : 'Mother Wolf, hear me! We seek your blessing in our hunt. Lead us to our elusive quarry.' There will be a wolf howl and the ritual will finish.
According to Mjolen, the divination was a success and the medallion will act as a tracker when activated. When you use the Enchanted Icereach Coven Medallion , an illusory vision will appear before you. It shows the vampire feeding on an unlucky hunter at a campsite, Fennorian will note the direction the trail heads in: Fennorian : 'A camp? And look! The magic points to the west!' The Magical Medallion Tracker [ edit ] The assassin leaves another victim in his wake
When you arrive at the camp, you will find the body of the Redguard hunter. Searching a nearby pack, you will find a Tattered Cloak which confirms the killer is the same vampire. Fennorian will then arrive via vampiric teleportation and kneel by the body to examine her: Fennorian : 'The assassin drained her of blood.'
You can then use the enchanted medallion again, this time it will show some primitive tents: Fennorian : 'He must have been desperate to feed while trying to escape.'
There is the option of talking to Fennorian before continuing your search. He will elaborate on what the vision showed, 'This one showed your assassin again, eye patch and all, by a cave near a waterfall. And the ball of magicka drifted toward the west again.' The closest cave in this area is Chillwind Depths so that is your next location to search.
When you enter the cavern, Fennorian will arrive and split off from you to search: Fennorian : 'Yes, this is definitely the place in the vision. I'll slip past and scout ahead.'
At this point you have the option of also helpingHamvir while searching the caves. In the deepest part of the cave, you can find a hidden passage which leads to the secluded hideaway. There you will find the assassin, unfortunately he will have just stabbed Fennorian as you arrived: Pentarch Khorb : 'Bah! I'll deal with you next time, you fangless cur.'
Talking with Fennorian, it would seem you arrived just in time before assassin could do worse to him. Even more fortuitous, he will have left papers and documents at the camp before he fled. Fennorian will ask you to go through them while he picks himself up. You can find three items at the camp, first is Crude Map which shows a mine entrance. The second is the Pentarch's Orders, a letter which orders the assassination of Queen Gerhyld as a response to your actions in Kilkreath. The third document is the Assassin's Letter, which is addressed to Pentarch Khorb by a Sister Tharda and refers to a mining consortium that remains in the dark about their true purpose as an energy source for a ritual.
Once you have read all the documents, Fennorian will ask to see them: Fennorian : 'I didn't get a good look at that before. Mind bringing it over?'
While looking at them, Fennorian will recognize the location shown in the map. It is a mine in the Karthald region known as Silversnow Mine and as it is a likely target for a harrowstorm ritual. While you head to the mine, Fennorian will have a courier contact Lyris to meet you there. Descent into Silversnow Mine [ edit ]
The mine can be found just over the hill from the Eversnow Inn and the closest wayshrine is Southern Watch. Just as you arrive, Fennorian and Lyris will catch up: Lyris Titanborn : 'As evil lairs go, I'm not impressed.' Fennorian : 'I'll take that as a good sign.'
When you talk with Lyris, it will turn out that Fennorian gave her a succinct summary of what has happened, 'The clever woman helped you track the queen's assassin to his hideout in Chillwind Depths. He got away, but left behind evidence that the coven's planning another harrowstorm in this mine and we're going to wreck those plans. I miss anything?'
After giving the affirmative that you're ready, Lyris and Fennorian will then run into the mine: Lyris Titanborn : 'These tunnels look freshly dug. The Gray Host has certainly been busy.'
Once inside they will become your followers and you can lead them down the winding scaffolding: Lyris Titanborn : 'Scaffolding. Let's follow it down.' Fennorian : 'Careful, the structure doesn't appear to be completely stable.' Lyris Titanborn : 'Relax. It will take more than a rickety structure to take down Lyris Titanborn.' Fennorian : 'Actually, I was more concerned for my own well-being, but if you insist .'
Keep in mind, one of the missing instruments from the Bards College can be found in this location in a hidden alcove. Upon reaching the bottom of the shaft, a short tunnel will open up into the much larger Dusktown Cavern: 'It's just like the old legends Blackreach!' Lyris Titanborn : 'Blackreach again? Like beneath Eastmarch. Does it extend below all of Skyrim?' Fennorian : 'Blackreach? So the legends are true? But why is there a town down here?'
Fennorian is right, a small town can be seen down the road leading from the passage you just emerged from. Before you can continue, you'll need to speak with both Lyris and Fennorian to work out a plan to track down Pentarch Khorb. Lyris will be surprised that there is an actual settlement in Blackreach, she'll want to split up to question the locals about the eye-patch wearing vampire. Meanwhile with Fenn, he will immediately see the area as an ideal hiding place for the Icereach Coven and any vampires working with them. While you and Lyris investigate the town, he will go and scout around the outskirts. Both will warn you to be careful.
Once in the town proper, you can find two locals to question, Rola and Galuf. While neither know anything about a man wearing an eye patch, Galuf can at least give you an overview of the mining operation and how he was recruited. This is where many of the laborers who answered the fliers ended up. After speaking with both of them, an annoyed Lyris will approach you. She didn't have any luck either but wants to go find Fenn and see if he uncovered something. Halting the Harrowstorm [ edit ] Destroy the Witch Pikes and stop a harrowstorm ritual
Fennorian can be found at the northern outskirts hiding behind a cart, he will call you over when he sees you: Fennorian : 'Over here!'
Unlike you and Lyris, he had much better results while he was scouting, though it is worrying news, 'You're just in time. I spotted the vampire with the eye patch. He met with a coven witch who immediately ordered her lackeys to place witch pikes around the area.' As the ritual causes a magical storm, being underground shouldn't be considered a defense against it. However, the ritual can be stopped if the Witch Pikes are destroyed beforehand.
Immediately, Lyris will take action and give orders before running off: Lyris Titanborn : 'Move! You take the east side, I'll take the west. Then meet in the middle.'
You will need to find and destroy the witch pikes located to the east and northeast of Dusktown. Unlike the fully developed ones seen at Harrowstorms, they are spindly and can be destroyed with a few whacks of an axe. However, they will be protected by combination of Icereach Coven and Vampires who are wearing matching uniforms. After you have destroyed both pikes, you can find Fennorian nearby who will report you and Lyris' success: Fennorian : 'You stopped the harrowstorm before it could even get started! Now to deal with the vampire and the witch.'
Talking with him, you will learn that he caught sight of Pentarch Khorb and Sister Tharda who was helping him. '[..] The witch and the vampire assassin fled into Kagnthamz, a Dwarven ruin. We can deal with them in there.' Secrets of Kagnthamz [ edit ] Kagnthamz is crawling with vampires
The ruin of Kagnthamz can be found to the southeast of Dusktown, with the Dwarf's Bane Ritual Site to the north. Once you arrive at the entrance, Lyris and Fenn will arrive: Lyris Titanborn : 'We're here. Let's find this assassin.'
As soon as you enter the ruin, Fennorian will comment: Live Another Life Skyrim Options Fennorian : 'Careful. I sense the presence of other vampires.'
He is immediately proven right as you enter the next chamber, vampires can be found wandering about as clusters of harrowfiends gather around broken animunculi. Fennorian : 'Harrowfiends! Not the result of the ritual we stopped, so they must have brought them from someplace else.' We finally cornered the vampire assassin who killed the queen. Time to make him pay for his crime.
Further into the ruins, you will find a closed door which leads to a renovated room filled with torture devices and dead or comatose commoners. Your target, Pentarch Khorb will be walking between the bodies, periodically draining them of life essence. When you engage him in combat he will be exasperated: Lyris Titanborn : 'An eye patch! That's the assassin!' Pentarch Khorb : 'Don't you ever give up the chase?'
In this fight Pentarch Khorb will initially use Nightblade abilities to fight. Harrowfiends and death hounds will also join the battle. As his health drops to a certain point, the Pentarch will reveal his trump card as he crows: Pentarch Khorb : 'I kept you busy long enough. Sister Tharda shall revive the exarchs!'
His form will shift as he becomes temporarily invulnerable, his new body is much taller and bulkier than his former frame and has bat-like features. Once he is slain, Queen Gerhyld will be avenged: Lyris Titanborn : 'That's for Queen Gerhyld, you bastard.' Fennorian : 'Now we need to find Sister Tharda.'
After the concerning statement about 'reviving the exarchs' , you will need to find Sister Tharda quickly. Head through the door and continue down the passage, fighting off vampires along the away. Eventually, you will find yourself on some scaffolding which over looks a vast room ringed with strange stone statues. From the patterns of ash on the ground, it appears to be a ritual chamber. Down below, you will see Sister Tharda, but she won't be alone. Fennorian : 'You listen in. I'll unlock the door.' Sister Tharda is performing some sort of ritual and she isn't alone
While he picks the door's lock, Sister Tharda and an unknown man stand before a stone construct with a large urn between her and it. As she performs the ritual a blue Reach sigil forms beneath her. Sister Tharda : 'Rise exarch and be reborn!' The construct goes one knee and blue lights from the urn enter it. A wolf howls is heard. The stone construct shatters and a Werewolf Behemoth emerges from it. Exarch Ulfra : 'Tzinghalis? Where is this place?' The man walks towards the werewolf. Exarch Tzinghalis : 'The Ashen Lord commands it, and so we live once more, Ulfra.' Exarch Ulfra : 'Alive again? How?' Sister Tharda : 'You have the Icereach Coven to thank for that, werewolf.' Tzinghalis jabs his finger at her. Exarch Tzinghalis : 'Using my recipes, witch.' Sister Tharda : 'I meant no disrespect, Exarch Tzinghalis.' Ulfra starts sniffing the air. Exarch Ulfra : 'We're being watched, brother.' Exarch Tzinghalis : 'Next time, Tharda, the Ashen Lord will expect more than the restoration of a single reliquary. Now deal with the intruders or I'll toss you to the harrowfiends.' Exarchs Tzinghalis and Ulfra leave the chamber. Sister Tharda : 'Come out, little skeevers. Come out and play with Sister Tharda!' Lyris Titanborn: 'How many of your sisters am I going to have to kill before you give up?' We need to kill Sister Tharda.
Before you can chase after the two Exarchs, you will need to deal with Sister Tharda. During this fight, Lyris and Fennorian will help you, dealing damage and providing healing respectively. The Coven witch will use a combination of frost magic and necromancy to fight, more elements will be added to the field as the fight progresses. Sister Tharda : 'Is it you who's killed my dear sisters? Our vengeance will plague you beyond the grave!'
When her health hits a certain point, she will teleport to a corner of the room cast a shield of bones around herself, rendering her invulnerable. During this she will summon a small group of undead which increase in difficulty with each phase. (From Bone Flayers, Icy Skeleton Squad to Flesh Colossus). In addition to the undead, a green cyclone which will randomly move around the room is also conjured. The invulnerable shield will be removed once the adds are removed. Each time she puts up the shield, another cyclone will be added leading up to the last phase where the cyclones will then become focused on you.
Once you have killed her, Lyris and Fennorian will run out of the chamber to catch up to the escaped exarchs. Lyris Titanborn : 'One more witch for the pyre. Let's go after the other two.' More Questions and returning to Svana [ edit ]
You can find your companions below the ledge once you leave the ruins. Unfortunately the Exarchs have escaped: Lyris Titanborn : 'Damn, we lost them.'
Talk with both of them to see what they want to do next, both will stay behind to study the ritual site before going their separate ways. While talking to Fennorian, he will be trying to process the reviving of Exarch Ulfra that you just witnessed. He will also have revised his theory about the harrowstorms, 'I thought the purpose of the harrowstorms were to create harrowfiends, but now I think that's only a byproduct. The storm somehow gathered energy that the witch used to summon Ulfra the werewolf. Ulfra seemed to think she was brought back to life.' 'What news of the bastard who murdered my mother? Did you find him?'
Lyris on the other hand, will be focused on the titles they used as well as the mention of an 'Ashen Lord'. Continuing to talk to her, Lyris will ask that you report back to Svana at the Lonely Troll and tell her of the assassin's death as, '[..] She'd want to know. More than that, she deserves to know.'
The Dusktown Wayshrine is the closest if you want to reach Solitude quickly. Svana can be found sitting on a bench with her head down. As you approach, she'll stand and Maugh will come in to see how she is. Upon reporting Pentarch Khorb's death, Svana will state that she would have preferred him brought back for 'a proper trial and execution' but puts that aside and asks if her mother's death was connected to the threat you were investigating, you can confirm and explain what they do. 'Damn those Reach witches! And damn my father for being so so obstinate!
But what does the coven want? Are they planning to kill my father? What else can you tell me about this threat to our kingdom?' The coven can summon devastating storms that wipe people's minds and turn them into monsters. 'That's horrible! But there must be more to this than simply turning my people into monsters.
Well, I'll do what I can to help you. Mother would have wanted me to. What you've done and discovered will be enough to convince my father. It has to be.'
After naming herself your ally in this matter, Svana will hand you some gold and the Surcoat of Solitude. Quest Stages [ edit ] Dark Clouds Over Solitude Finishes Quest Journal Entry If I have anything else to discuss with Lyris, I should do it now before we go to see the queen. I should head to the Blue Palace and meet up with Lyris before we present ourselves to Queen Gerhyld. Objective : Go to the Blue Palace Something terrible has happened inside the Blue Palace. I should talk to Lyris. Hidden Objective : Talk to Lyris Lyris asked me to look around for clues about the assassin. How did they get in and out of the palace? Anything to connect them to the Icereach Coven? I should see what I can find. Objective : Investigate the Scene of the Assassination I found a medallion among the shattered glass beneath a broken window the assassin may have escaped through. I should show the medallion to Lyris and see what she makes of it. Lyris wants to confront High King Svargrim and try to get him to listen to reason. I should follow her. Objective : Follow Lyris Titanborn Lyris intimidated our way into High King Svargrim's chamber. Now we need to talk to him and convince him of the danger posed to his kingdom by the Icereach Coven. High King Svargrim refuses to believe us. He thinks this might be a trick perpetrated by Jorunn the Skald-King. He demanded we leave and Lyris obliged. I should follow her. Objective : Leave High King Svargrim's Chamber Princess Svana approached us as we exited Svargrim's chamber. I should speak with her. Princess Svana wants us to keep looking into the threat to Western Skyrim. To start, she wants us to figure out where the queen's assassin fled to after he left the palace. I should look for anyone who saw him. Objective : Find a Witness Who Saw the Assassin The assassin killed a woman in the street then headed for the Hall of the Dead. That's the next location where I should look for a witness. High Priest Ingurt identified the assassin as a vampire and said he was headed for the city gate. That's the next location where I should look for a witness. Objective : Find a Witness at Solitude's Gate Lyris met me at the city gate. I should tell her what I learned. Lyris suggested I talk to Fennorian about the vampire who killed the queen and see how his research on the harrowstorms has progressed. He should be with a clever woman in the marshes northwest of Morthal. I should find him there. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fennorian told me that Old Mjolen is an expert at divination and suggested I show her the medallion I took from the assassin. I should speak with her. Old Mjolen's divination spell requires the following reagents: deathbell and wolf bones. I can find both in the bog around Morthal. Objective : Gather Wolf Bones I gathered the reagents that Old Mjolen requires. I should take them to her. Objective : Return to Old Mjolen Old Mjolen completed her divination spell. I should ask her what comes next. Old Mjolen enchanted the Icereach Medallion so that I can use it to track the vampire assassin. I should use it and see where it leads. Objective : Use the Enchanted Medallion The medallion showed me a vision of the vampire assassin and a small camp. The magic indicated that I should go to the west to find it. Optional Step : Talk to Fennorian We tracked the vampire assassin to a camp where he killed another victim. I should use the enchanted medallion again and see where it leads. The medallion showed a vision of a cave west of the camp. I should head there now and search the cave. Objective : Search the Cave for the Assassin I reached the assassin's hideout just as he was about to finish off Fennorian. Luckily, the assassin decided to flee rather than deal with the both of us. I should check on Fenn and make sure he's all right. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fenn asked me to search the assassin's hideout for clues he left behind. I should take a look around. Objective : Examine the Orders I found a map and a few documents left behind by the vampire assassin when he fled. I should discuss their contents with Fennorian. Objective : Talk to Fennorian I should follow the map and meet up with Lyris at the entrance to the mine. Objective : Talk to Lyris Titanborn Lyris, Fennorian, and I need to explore the old mine and see if we can find any sign of the vampire assassin. We followed scaffolding down into the depths of the mine and found a massive cavern. I should talk to my companions about this place. Objective : Talk to Lyris Titanborn Lyris and I agreed to split up and investigate the mining town for signs of the vampire assassin while Fenn searches the cavern outside the town. I should speak to a few of the locals and find out what's going on down here. Objective : Investigate the Underground Town: 0/2 Other than learning that Dusktown is part of the Bitterblade Mining Consortium, I didn't find out much. No one's seen the vampire assassin, though. I should see if Lyris discovered anything. We need to meet up with Fenn on the far side of town and see what he's learned during his scouting. Objective : Talk to Fennorian Fenn spotted the vampire assassin and a coven witch. He's going to follow them while Lyris and I destroy the witch pikes they set up in preparation for their harrowstorm ritual. Objective : Destroy the Witch Pike to the Northeast I've destroyed the witch pikes on my side of town. I should find Fenn and ask if he has any new information on where the vampire assassin and coven witch may have gone. Fennorian spotted the queen's assassin and a coven witch flee into a nearby Dwarven ruin called Kagnthamz. He asked me to meet him and Lyris there. I should head inside and wait for them to catch up. Objective : Enter Kagnthamz Now that Lyris and Fenn have arrived, we should search the ruins for the vampire assassin and his coven witch ally. We finally cornered the vampire assassin who killed the queen. Time to make him pay for his crime. Objective : Kill the Queen's Assassin The queen's assassin is dead, but the Icereach witch Fenn saw is still at large. The assassin called her Sister Tharda. Sister Tharda is performing some sort of ritual and she isn't alone. Fenn wants to observe the event for a moment before we act. Objective : Observe the Ritual The witch's ritual caused a werewolf to emerge from a stone husk. The werewolf and the vampire departed, but left the witch to stop us. We need to kill Sister Tharda. We killed Sister Tharda, but the werewolf and vampire got away. Lyris and Fenn ran off in pursuit. I should go after them. Objective : Follow Lyris and Fennorian I need to catch up with Lyris and Fenn and see if they spotted the vampire and the werewolf that were talking to Sister Tharda. Objective : Talk to Fennorian While Lyris and Fenn take another look at the Icereach witch's ritual site and those stone husks, I need to return to Solitude and let Princess Svana know that we killed the assassin who murdered her mother, the queen. Svana wants to know more about the Icereach Coven and the threat they pose to her kingdom. I should tell her what I know. Objective : Talk to Svana Notes Prev: The Gathering Storm Up: Shadows Under Skyrim Next: Danger in the Holds Retrieved from ''
One can complain about some Skyrim quests. Some are boring, some are too hard, and some dont make any sense.
But I think its safe to say that the game has some truly memorable missions that youll absolutely love to play time and time again.
Skyrim has much more replay value than most games, and being an RPG you can always choose your story each time.
That uniqueness translates into the way you take on certain quests, and the decisions you take to define your character and their personality.
As nerdy as that may sound, its actually super cool!
If you havent played a fresh save game in a long time, it might be time for you to take another look at Skyrim. Maybe by looking into a few of these awesome quests but where do you start?
Ive got your back, dont worry these are my picks for the best quests in Skyrim that you really should play, whether youve played them before or missed out on them, definitely give these a look over! 30. The Silver Hand
I think its safe to say that this quest HAD to be on my list.
The Silver Hand is the quest in which you join the Circle and become a Werewolf, initiating yourself into a life of darkness from which you wont be able to turn back any time soon.
Kill the werewolf hunters and prove your loyalty to the order.
Youre about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. 29. Diplomatic Immunity
Dragons have been gone for many years. What caused them to come back?, many have asked themselves.
Theres really no way to tell without a whole lot of investigating. And the answers are sure to be as interesting as the question itself.
The Diplomatic Immunity quest will take you on a special mission in which youll have to infiltrate the Thalmor Embassy to see if you can find anything that ties the resurgence of dragons with the reappearance of the Thalmor.
An intriguing and fascinating quest indeed, and one with many historical ties to the land of Tamriel as a whole. 28. Innocence Lost
By far one of the most somber quests in Skyrim, Innocence Lost will have you aid a child in his mission to summon the Dark Brotherhood.
Youll have to kill an innocent woman. Will that stop you?
The Dark Brotherhood questline is not as good in Skyrim as it was in Oblivion, but this single quest truly stands out.
And just note that since it is part of the Brotherhood questline, so youll have to complete it if you intend to become the leader of the order in Skyrim. 27. Forgetting About Fjola
Its time to go and rescue Fjola to help poor Christer, her husband. Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Quest
Wait, shes not being held captive Did she actually become the leader of the bandits that live in the tower?
Well, apparently so. But youll have to figure that out on your own.
This is one weird quest that will make you question your own morality by trying to do the right thing or feeling tempted to do the wrong one.
Whichever choice you make, the outcome wont necessarily feel like the right one. In any case, its a good and rather odd quest that you have to play if youve never encountered Christer before. 26. The Way of the Voice
The Way of the Voice is one of the most emblematic quests in Skyrim.
And one that serves to build some of the plots of the main storyline too. Once you learn your Unrelenting Force shout, the Greybeards themselves will summon you.
And youll have to embark on a quest towards High Hrothgar to speak to the elders and learn The Way of the Voice.
This quest is one of the main pillars that hold together the main questline of the game, and one of the best ones in terms of storytelling in Skyrim (in my opinion).
It might not be as full of thrills as others. But it does set quite a fantastic picture for the game to unfold. I fully recommend you give it a shot. 25. The Black Star
I know that many Daedric Princes tend to cause conflict in players, as we dont know whether to fear them, hate them, respect them, or like them.
Azura has to be one of my favorite Daedric Princess in the game. And the Black Star quest is also one of my favorite Daedric quests in all of the Elder Scrolls universe.
This quest will set you on a mission, given to you by Azura herself, that should end with you cleansing her Black Star which is corrupted by Necromancers.
Malyn Varens soul must be destroyed will you do it, or will you let Azura down?
This fantastic quest remains as one of the best Daedric quests in terms of storytelling , and Azuras voice actor did a great job in interpreting the script for this. 24. The Forsworn Conspiracy
A Conspiracy between the Forsworn and the Silver Bloods seems to be the talk of the town in Markrath.
Such a peaceful city doesnt deserve the air of shadiness that surrounds it. So youll have to embark on a mission to clear things up and decide the outcome of the conspiracy.
This truly fascinating quest will force you to become an investigator as you try to discover what exactly is happening in Markrath, and why you witnessed a man murder a woman in broad daylight. 23. The Dawnguard Questline
Is there really anything bad to say about the Dawnguard questline?
I think its the best questline in the game, with a unique story and narrative matched by no other quest in Skyrim.
If you dont own Dawnguard, definitely go snag it at some point. Its well worth the cash. 22. The Pale Lady
The Pale Lady is a spirit that seems to be roaming the lands of Skyrim. She doesnt seem able to find rest ever since her sword was stolen.
It is up to you to decide whether youll return the sword and lay the Pale Lady to her final rest, or kill the spirit and keep the sword for yourself.
The fight against the Pale Lady is truly difficult if you have the game set on Expert. And itll be quite a challenge to keep the sword too.
Its worth it, though.
This weapon has a masterful effect where your foes takes 25 points of frost damage when theyre slashed. Hard to get but great to have. 21. Unbound
Yes, this quest wasnt going to be missing from my list.
Unbound is the first quest in the game, which starts with the infamous Hey, youre finally awake quote that has become the new Rick Rolling of video games.
This legendary quest is the most emblematic out of the bunch, as it basically serves as the introduction to Skyrim as well as the tutorial for the game.
Create your character and set yourself on a collision course towards the final fight with Alduin.
You cant escape your destiny, Dragonborn. Make the best of what you have after leaving behind the chains that tie you! 20. The Book of Love
The Book of Love is quite a long quest. But one that takes a spot on my list because of its amazing and immersive storytelling.
Mara is the Goddess of Love in Tamriel, and shes really praised in the lands of Skyrim.
You will need to head to her temple in Riften where youll have to perform many quests for her followers to gain the favor of Mara herself.
You will receive the Agent of Mara blessing after completing it, which grants a permanent magic resistance buff of 15.
Earn the favor of the goddess and get an amazing buff along the way early in the game theres no better way to kickstart your Skyrim adventure!
Besides, some characters change locations further down the line, so you might be better off completing this quest before the Civil War questline. 19. Hard Answers
This quest is super odd.
Youll be sent on a mission to try and decode a hidden message in order to prove the treachery of a man who we dont know whether hes guilty or not.
The coded journal that he kept might hold his secrets, though. And Enthir seems to think that translating it is the key.
Your mission will be to decode the message and find out the truth.
Its hard to get answers, and this quest truly emphasizes that concept. A fun yet different quest is always one worth playing. Skyrim Live Another Life Investigate Cave Mod 18. Rise in the East
Yes, its that quest.
I honestly loved this quest because ships have never been a thing in Skyrim (not when they move, at least).
So I think this is as close as well ever get to experiencing some pirate action in the game. The quest itself is fantastic too, and youll be off fighting and killing a lot on your way to complete it. 17. The Wolf Queen Awakened
The Wolf Queen Awakened is a level 10+ quest that will have you gather the remains of Potema Septim and defeat her spirit, all to stop the Wolf Queen from returning to the world of the living.
Get ready to strike down one of the strongest early-game foes that youll encounter if you decide to partake in this difficult mission! 16. Ill Met By Moonlight
Ill Met By Moonlight is a fantastic werewolf quest given by none other than Hircine himself.
The quest itself isnt too much of a big deal, in my opinion.
But the rewards you get at the end is what makes it one of the best in the game.
If you happen to spare the werewolves that youll fight in this quest instead of killing them, Hircine will appear and grant you his blessing.
Unlike Mara, the Wolf Prince will give you his blessing in the form of a special ring: aka Hircines Ring.
This bad boy grants the ability to transform into a werewolf as much as youd want (if you are a werewolf already, of course). 15. A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember is, arguably, one of the most fun Daedric quests that you can play in the entire Elder Scrolls franchise.
This one has you undergo a drinking contest with a dude called Sam and a couple of his friends.
The thing is that this contest will cause you to get blindly drunk and wake up the next day without any recollection of what happened, highly reminiscent of those times back in college.
The thing is, that the winner of the contest was supposed to get a weird staff from Sam. At least, according to what he promised.
However hes nowhere to be seen, and you seem to have made quite a mess while drunk.
Youll have to find Sam and see what that was all about. But the man holds a huge secret himself so be careful! 14. Battle for Whiterun
It doesnt matter whether you take the side of the Stormcloaks and lead the rebellion of Skyrim, or the side of the Empire and try to put a stop to the rebellion; this quest is by far one of the best in the game and a defining moment in the storyline.
In any case, Whiterun holds the key to the victor of the war.
Whoever wins this battle will decide the fate of Skyrim. And with it, the fate of the lives of many people.
Stop the rebels and fight for the Empire, or fight for a cause that seems honorable? Your pick. 13. Hail Sithis!
Its time to get that blade ready your next Dark Brotherhood contract is to kill the Emperor himself.
This mission is by far one of the coolest and most epic, and even though the Dark Brotherhood questline is a bit underwhelming, this mission truly makes up for it.
Basically, this is a cant-miss quest. 12. Coming of Age
A treasure awaits somewhere deep inside a cave in Skyrim.
In order to start this quest and embark on an adventure, youll have to speak to Salma and Beem-Ja outside the mysterious cave.
You will then have to enter the cave, where youll end up with the treacherous Beem-Ja. Should you come out victorious, youll also end up claiming the treasure!
I guess riches get the best of some men including greedy Beem-Ja.
The world will be better off without him. 11. The House of Horrors
There is a house in Markrath that seems to have been cursed by demons.
Thats what the legend says, anyways.
And you will find that to be true as you embark on the House of Horrors quest in assistance to the Vigilants of Stendarr (theres a mod that allows you to join them too!)
In any case, this will end up with you speaking to none other than Daedric Prince Molag Bal.
If you havent completed it yet, go ahead and enjoy yourself. Its super fun. 10. Frostflow Abyss
Alright friend, if youre into creepy or eerie quests, you mightve found your match.
I wont go into much detail about it as the thrill and mystery are crucial to this quest, and if you havent played it yet I dont want to spoil the fun.
Explore the Frostflow Abyss and uncover the dark secret being held in its depths. Check out this guide if you really want to learn more 9. Forgotten Names
Deep below the College of Winterhold youll find a mysterious Daedric Glove.
Whats the purpose of this artifact? What are you supposed to do with it?
Forgotten Names is a quest that will take you on a mysterious adventure towards the depths of the college, where youll have to solve a couple of quick puzzles and then make the decision of whether to end a life or save it.
As many Daedric quests, this one has quite a dark taint to it that makes it just eerie enough to balance itself between good and evil. 8. Blood on the Ice
Oh man, this quest has been such a huge sensation among the Skyrim player base.
I think its truly impacting everyone because its not a quest that youd expect to find in the game unless you install a mod.
But no Bethesda actually went ahead and added a quest about a damn serial killer to the game. The absolute mad lads.
Blood on the Ice will have you investigate the mysterious killings of various women in Windhelm, and hopefully put an end to the sadistic game being played by one man (or woman?) that lives in the city. Shotgun messiah second coming rar. 7. The Ghost of Old Hroldan
This lore-rich quest is another one on my list that involves ghosts. Im sorry, I know its becoming a trend. But there are too many good quests with undead in them!
In this one, youll have to return the sword of Hjalti to the ghost that roams in the Old Hroldan Inn.
Do it and bring peace to this one mighty warrior that died in battle. 6. Kynes Sacred Trials
I love this quest. Its all about fighting guardian beasts (which basically are spirits).
You will be visiting the lairs of many guardians and defeating them in battle if you wish to complete all of Kynes Sacred Trials.
And this quest has some serious Oblivion vibes, for some reason, which is another factor in why I absolutely love it. 5. Forbidden Legend
Its time for the Gauldur Amulet to reappear in the world. And finishing the Forbidden Legend quest is the only way to do it.
According to an old tale, there were three brothers that killed their father many years ago.
The father was the owner of the now long-gone amulet. But completing the quest will unite you with the spirit of the dead man, who will guide you and help you craft the amulet again.
The quest itself is pretty long, as youll have to find all of the ancient resting places of each of the brothers.
Puzzles and traps await, as do many creatures on a lust for blood. 4. Waking Nightmare
Why are all of the citizens of Dawnstar experiencing nightmares at night?
There seems to be a lot of confusion in the streets as to what is going on, and you must take the responsibility of cleansing whatever evil is causing woe to the citizens.
Big surprise, right? You, the hero again.
Ally with a priest of Mara and help him defeat the evil that roams Dawnstar and save the citizens from their crippling psychological pain, or ignore this quest altogether and tell them to screw themselves. 3. The Cursed Tribe
Orcs and giants battle it off as the chieftain of the orc tribe seems to be sick to his bones.
It is your mission to find a solution to this ever-growing dilemma.
How can you do it, then? Well I dont want to spoil too much, but one thing is clear as day peace is not an option.
If you decide to embark on this quest, do so as if you were going to war.
Many perils await and youll have to fight a few giants. We all know how annoying they can be. 2. The Mind of Madness
Poor old Pelagius has been possessed by Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.
Youll have to travel into his mind and set Pelagius free, while also earning the amazing Wabbajack for yourself.
I found out that many people didnt like this quest while making this list, which I thought was outrageous. I still love it though so it gets a pretty high spot in my list! 1. To Kill an Empire
To Kill an Empire might not be the quest in which you finally end the Emperors life.
But its a much better quest than Hail Sithis.
The whole plot of sneaking in and impersonating the chef that cooks for the Emperor himself is just too fun to ignore.
And the build-up, the tension, all created by this quest feels second to none.
By far the best quest in the game, in my opinion, and its got a lot of really fun backstory too. Browse: SkyrimVideo Games Stay Connected Related Posts